The prints and manual were forwarded to me and I responded with;
I think you stated that you had a secondary speed sensor fault.
From the print, it looks like both sensors are exactly the same.
Can you swap pins from one to the other?
1&2 - 10&11
If the problem stays the same, obviously it's not the sensor and I
would still suspect wiring. If it "does" follow, you have a mechanical
issue inside the APU. (Sensor loose, backed off, positioned wrong???)
Did you verify both sensor resistances match?
Emblem DHC responded with:
I hope this finds you well. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable support in the recent APU troubleshooting process. We Swapped the APU on another aircraft and snag also transferred to another aircraft,we also installed Serviceable APU in our aircraft it's working fine . It's internal Problem with APU